Health Home
The services we provide are comprehensive care management through care coordination, health promotion, comprehensive transitional care including follow-up from inpatient, ER, other settings, patient and family support, and referrals to community and support services. Some of our goals are to reduce inpatient hospitalization, re-admissions and inappropriate emergency room visits, improve coordination and transitions of care, and improve clinical indicators ( e.g. A1C, LDL, blood pressure). We emphasize education, activation, and empowerment through interpersonal interactions and system-level protocols. We assist Health Home Patients with their self management goals because, Care STL Health is a patient center medical home.
Kamilah Adams, Health Home Manager, at 314-367-5820 ext. 2348.

We're Here to Help
If you have an emergency requiring immediate medical attention, call 911 or go to your nearest emergency room.
After Hours: 314.273.0935
Have Questions?
Send a non-emergency message via our Patient Portal or visit our FAQ page.